Author Archives: Colm

The Alternative Schedule for Naturopathic Doctors – 6 Day Weekends!

Many Naturopathic Doctors wish they had more free time, more time for family, friends, more “me days”. They work crazy hours helping patients, doing the charting, researching cases, doing marketing, managing their team etc. Typically Doctors are seeing 3 days per week and using the other two days to do everything else. While this works…

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10 Creative Ideas to Keep Your Patients Engaged all Summer Long!

Summer vacation season is unofficially here! Victoria Day in Canada and Memorial Day are the unofficial weekends that kick off summer. Kids will be getting out of school soon, vacations are booked and planned, or will be soon. The weather is warming up and people are thinking about beaches, lakes, mountains, barbecues, sunshine and lots…

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Sometimes you need to sprint…

Growing your Naturopathic Practice is a marathon for sure. It takes time, sometimes years, to get your practice to where you want it to be. Let’s face it, as a business owner and a doctor, there is always too much to do! To avoid overwhelm and burnout you need to accept that fact and commit…

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How Dr. Miranda generated over $5,200 from a one hour webinar after almost giving up!

I’m not sure if you are currently offering webinars and online health programs or not.  Perhaps you have it figured out and are doing great with them.  Or perhaps you have tried them and not had much success.  Either way, I think Dr. Sandra Miranda’s webinar story might inspire you to either get started or…

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Excuse Me Doctor… but I think your website is inside out!

It’s  awkward when you have to tell someone their sweater is on inside out right? In that same way it’s kinda awkward to let people know their websites are inside out! Yes you read that right … a lot of naturopathic doctor’s websites are inside out these days. You see for most folks, when they updated their…

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How to Attract New Patients: Think like a Marketer … not a Naturopathic Doctor!

One of the biggest challenges Naturopathic Doctors have is attracting new patients, but you already know that! The real question is why is it so hard for NDs to attract quality patients  to their practice? The answer is surprisingly simple … you are thinking like a Doctor, not a marketer! As an ND you have…

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How to Choose the Best Practice Model for YOU!

As a Naturopathic Doctor who owns and runs your own practice, you have so many exciting options when it comes to designing a practice that not only helps your patients, but it also fits you, your lifestyle and your income goals. Most NDs when they open their own practice first bought into the very traditional,…

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5 Keys to Attract More Quality Patients to Your Naturopathic Practice

Marketing your practice to let people know about your Naturopathic Medical services is obviously important, but marketing to specifically attract the type of patients you want to help is a whole other ball game. Doctors tell me all the time about how they have lots of patients but wish they had more of their “ideal…

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How some NDs are making $2,000 – $3,000/hr with Group Programs … and NO CHARTING!

Let’s face it, most Naturopathic Doctors are overworked, underpaid and often become overwhelmed. It’s really a little crazy when you think about it, they have all of this education, all of this knowledge about health, years of experience yet many Doctors are still struggling to make a the income they deserve. Why is that? It’s…

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Why being a General Practitioner may be holding you back in your Naturopathic Practice

As general practitioners many Naturopathic Doctors are afraid to focus their marketing. Facing Your Fear of Focusing on One Target with Five Ones (Niching) If you’ve been on any of my webinars or training sessions you know I talk a lot about Focusing Your Marketing with the Five Ones strategy. When I learned this strategy…

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