Author Archives: Colm

The Alternative Schedule for Naturopathic Doctors – 6 Day Weekends!

Many Naturopathic Doctors wish they had more free time, more time for family, friends, more “me days”. They work crazy hours helping patients, doing the charting, researching cases, doing marketing, managing their team etc. Typically Doctors are seeing 3 days per week and using the other two days to do everything else. While this works…

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How to Get More Speaking Engagements …without begging!

Want more speaking opportunities? With so many organizations and businesses starting to do in person events again or hybrid events the demand for speakers is up! This gives you, as a Naturopathic Doctor, a great opportunity to showcase your experience and your expertise.But unfortunately most people struggle to land great speaking opportunities because they blow…

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WHY? I hear a lot of Doctors share how overwhelmed they get with everything they have to do to keep up with their growing practice.Now, in 2020 on top of everything else that you had to do as an ND , this year you had to learn a bunch of new technology and ways to…

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2019 … What an amazing year it’s going to be!

I’ll update this post with more detail soon, but I just wanted to post that we have some very big plans for this year and I am super excited about the journey and the opportunities ahead for all of us! Let’s make it a great year for Naturopathic Doctors!

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Holiday Schedule & Happy Holidays …

I know not everyone does, but I love the Holidays! Every year I take this week to reflect on the year, enjoy time with family recreate & relive old traditions from my childhood and create new ones with my family. It’s a great chance to recharge the batteries and get focused on the New Year…

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Raising Standards … What’s Your 2020 Vision for Your Naturopathic Practice?

I don’t know about you, but goal setting doesn’t work for me! It’s almost embarrassing how often I’ve copied and pasted goals year after year! Thankfully I eventually found what works for me a few years ago and I’ve been sharing it with the Naturopathic Doctors in our Achievers Club and they are getting great…

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How to create Interesting & Engaging PowerPoint Slides for your next speaking gig

Often Naturopathic Doctors create presentations that are filled with amazing and useful content. Unfortunately the PowerPoint presentation that they use to deliver the content is, shall we say … lacking! In this quick video I share some tips and ideas to help you create interesting and engaging PowerPoint slides for your next presentation. Enjoy!

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Get Past Patients to Re-Engage with a “10 Word Email”

I was reminded at the last Naturopathic Doctor Marketing Intensive (NDMI) how sometimes “simple” marketing can be so much more effective than complex. Let’s face it from time to time the so called “Marketing Professionals” can overthink campaigns! Sure you always want to follow the old classic marketing formulas such as: Clear and specific goal…

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One ND’s Story: “It shouldn’t be this hard after 16 years” …

Almost two years ago Dr. Sandra Miranda, an ND from Ajax,  Ontario attended one of my webinar training programs.  As part of our “On-Boarding” process to our Achievers Club she shared with me that she has had her practice in Ontario for 16 years, her practice was well established, her team was in place, she…

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You can’t train caring – hire right from the beginning.

When hiring new staff in your practice the most important factor that you need to look for is “do they care?” Do they care about themselves? Do they care about others? Do they care about their performance? Do they care about the team? Sure you want them to be able to do the job, but…

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