I was reminded at the last Naturopathic Doctor Marketing Intensive (NDMI) how sometimes “simple” marketing can be so much more effective than complex.
Let’s face it from time to time the so called “Marketing Professionals” can overthink campaigns!
Sure you always want to follow the old classic marketing formulas such as:
- Clear and specific goal
- Laser Focused Target Market
- Creative Message with a call to action
- Choose the right media
- Investment/Budget
- Tract your ROI (Return on Investment)
But at the last NDMI, on the Thursday morning we were discussing patient retention strategies and what to do about patients that hadn’t come in in over 12 months.
I tasked the NDs in attendance to pick 3 patients that they haven’t seen in over a year and right there and then to send them this very simple 10 word email:
“Hi (Patient’s Name),
I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?”
(Yes … it’s 10 words if you don’t count the “Hi Name”!)
Most of the NDs took the challenge and in about 5 minutes shot off their three emails to these”long gone” patients.
That was at about 11AM.
When we came back from lunch one ND shared how she not only had a reply, but one had patient came in immediately for a vitamin shot and brought her daughter in to schedule an appointment for her. The patient’s comment was ” I’ve been meaning to come in, then when I saw your email I decided to get in the care and come in for a shot”.
An excellent result already, but it doesn’t stop there …
By the end of Thursday, at least 7 other NDs shared that they got replies to the email, ranging from, “I’m good thanks” to “Thank’s for checking in, I think we should schedule an appointment”.
By Friday afternoon, the results were still coming in and at a rough tally, every ND who sent the emails got at least one response, many got a reply from all three. At least half of them had booked new appointments with patients that they had not heard from in over a year!
Folks, sometimes simple is better!
What makes it work so well? You are simply showing your concern and not asking them to come see you. It’s real .. like you are writing to a friend and expecting a reply!
If you have patients you haven’t seen in a year or even longer, I challenge you to send them a simple 10 word email and see what happens. It will take you 5 minutes, and could rekindle a great patient relationship.
I’d love to read your results or comments below.
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