Important Update to Microwave Marketing Campaigns for Naturopathic Doctors

I’m always experimenting with ways to improve the results from Microwave Marketing campaigns and have identified an important important change that I’m recommending to everyone using a 30 Day Guide as the free download. (Lead magnet)

As you know, up to now I’ve recommended that  you create a 10-12 page guide to give people a solution to a problem. They enter their email and to download your guide. We then followed that up with 4 automatic emails with the last one inviting people to an appointment or discovery session. Visitors to your site would download the full guide and the follow up emails were designed to keep them engaged and on track with the guide. This has worked very well for a long time, but things and people’s habits change.

What I’ve been seeing lately is that the opening rate for the first email, the one with the guide, is always great,around 100%. But the opening rate of the follow up emails get progressively lower, which in some cases results in many people not even opening the final invitation email as they were not committed to or engaged in the process. They read the guide and either never start or give up too soon.

The Solution: 

Break your ebook/guide into sections:

Set up your auto emails to deliver one section at a time, not the whole guide with the first email.

Section 1: An introduction to the Guide with an overview of the 30 day journey ahead & details of what to do in week 1.
Section 2: A review of section 1, with the steps to take in week 2
Section 3: A review of section 2, with the steps to take in week 3
Section 4: A review of section 3, with the steps to take in week 4
Section 5: A “Congratulations” with a summary of the 30 day journey and an invitation to come see you.

The result with these changes, opening rates improve and you can monitor who is staying on track (by checking opening and click rates) and who it not.

If you just launched your campaign, Sorry, I know this does mean some re-work on a project you thought was finished, but better to maximize your results sooner than later.

That’s it … I’m excited to share this update with you. I’d love to hear your results to date and your results after the changes are live for about 8 weeks.

Talk to you soon.

Until then, have a great, healthy & profitable week!



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