The Alternative Schedule for Naturopathic Doctors – 6 Day Weekends!

Many Naturopathic Doctors wish they had more free time, more time for family, friends, more “me days”.

They work crazy hours helping patients, doing the charting, researching cases, doing marketing, managing their team etc.

Typically Doctors are seeing 3 days per week and using the other two days to do everything else.

While this works well for some, it can often become overwhelming and routine leaving the Doctor feeling like there is little or no time for themselves to recharge and in many cases it can affect not just their energy and passion but also their health.

If that sounds all too familiar to you, what if you could have two 6 day weekends every month?

Would that help you enjoy some down time? Give you time to recharge and take a much needed break to focus on you and your family? Help you avoid burnout?

With a little pre-planning and rearranging of your schedule it is very possible and you are still seeing patients 3 days per week.

Here’s how it works:

  • Week 1: See patients on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
  • Week 2: See patients on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
  • Week 3: See patients on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
  • Week 4: See patients on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Therefore on week 1 you see patients for 3 days then you have your normal two day weekend.

On week 2, you see patients for 3 days, then you have 6 whole days off to do whatever you want!

On week 3, you see patients for 3 days and have a normal 2 day weekend.

On week 4, you see patients for 3 days then you have another 6 days off!

That’s 2 x 6 day weekends every month! … 6 “me days” every two weeks!

So simple it’s genius! Right?

One of our ND’s in Washington said “This one idea has been life changing for me and my family”

Are you wondering: When do you do your charting, marketing, researching, team management and the other million tasks that you need to do every week?

That’s entirely up to you! What one ND does is they work an additional 2-3 hours in the evenings on their patient days so they can enjoy their “Me Days” as free days, another ND I know prefers to work ON the admin and marketing tasks from home on the Saturday of their 2 days weekends so they are completely free for their 6 day weekends, another alternates between the Tuesday and Thursday each week and is happy to have 5 days off in a row. It just takes a little pre-planning and rearranging of your schedule and it works beautifully.

The beauty of it is that it’s up to you, it’s your life … design and plan your schedule to fit you, not try to “squeeze your life in” when your practice is slow.

This schedule may not work for everyone, but for those that it does fit, it creates a more balanced life with lots of scheduled “Me Days/ Free Days”!

Could you make this happen in your practice?

Imagine what you could do with 6 day weekends!

Want my help to grow your practice locally and/or online … without overwhelm?

Click here to get started and let’s explore some options

Enjoy your 6 day weekends!

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